Oh, Zack Snyder. What have you done? I’m tempted to just leave my review at that. Batman V. Superman is a mess, and one with not a lot of redeeming qualities. The movie opens with a narration from Bruce Wayne, and he’s probably high when he’s saying whatever he said, because it makes less sense than Donald Trump trying to convince people he’s never insulted women. And then the movie takes off, at a pace of maybe 5 MPH, if I’m being generous. Envision your great-grandmother driving for the first time. Then imagine that she’s driving a car that has a maximum speed of about 2 MPH. That’s roughly equivalent to the pace of this movie. Wow. Where do I even begin? Superman’s actions are beginning to be questioned. Why now, and not immediately after the events of Man of Steel, you ask? Well, who knows? The writers certainly didn’t. Meanwhile, in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne decides to take matters into his own hands even though the government is probably slightly more equipped to do t...