Avengers: Infinity War is the cinematic event of a generation, an unparalleled and previously un-attempted 10-year gamble that paid off. The film is the first part of the culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, masterfully and efficiently tying every previously established story thread into one movie. I’m sure you’re already familiar with the story, but I’ll hit some of the story’s high points just in case you’ve been living under a cultural rock for the last decade. Thanos, one of the universe’s most powerful beings, sets out to attain ultimate power by collecting all six Infinity Stones, each of which grants him a specific type of power. All that stands in his way are the Avengers. Infinity War was always destined to feel more like an event than a film, and those are expectations it easily lives up (or down) to. However, perhaps that’s more of a testament to the MCU’s excellent storytelling than to Infinity War’s preoccupation wi...