Neely? What is she?” That was basically my reaction when I read who
was composing for the Arrow TV series. I repent in dust and ashes,
shaving my head and clothing myself in the most sack-ish of
sackcloth. This. Score. Is. Phenomenal. Some amazing scores for
superhero shows have come out over the years, but this re-defines
amazing. In all reality, I would have to say this is very possibly
better than the scores for most superhero films. I only know of two
or three that are even slightly better than this. Okay, I'm done
fangirling. On to the actual review.
utilizes a thematic formula for this score, which works wonderfully.
There isn't a single theme on this album I can find fault with. I
don't mean to sound like more of a fan and less of a critic, but
there's honestly not much to criticize here. As a result, this may be
a shorter review than usual. Perhaps my only criticism with this
score is that the electronic instruments in some of the action tracks
can start to feel a little over-done, but this is only a minor
complaint. While I'm on this subject, I will mention that this score
does utilize electronic instruments, but they're evenly blended with
orchestral ones. Often, their combination creates excellent action
thing I love most about this score is its tone. It's easily the
darkest superhero score I've ever heard, and yet it's very possibly
the most hopeful one I've ever heard. I guess what I'm trying to say
is you can feel Oliver's (otherwise known as Arrow, for those of you
who aren't well-educated on superheroes) humanity. One minute, the
score is riveting action and the next it's gut-wrenching emotion. The
concluding track, in particular, does an incredible job of summing up
his character.
I'm forced to give this a perfect score of 5 out of 5 hooded
vigilantes. Some highlight tracks include: Five Years, I Forgot Who I
Was, Train and Hunt, The Dark Archer; It Is I Who Failed This City, I
Can't Lose You Twice, Sacrifice, and, lastly, Oliver Queen Suite. The
last one especially is phenomenal. If you don't buy any other tracks,
buy it. Ultimately, though, every single track is excellent. I'm just
picking personal favorites.
you still reading this review? GO BUY THE SOUNDTRACK! NOW! STOP
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